Monday 30 March 2009

Analogue Books

Lovely innovative art and design books here, Analogue Books

Shaw & Shaw photography

Inspirational work by Shaw & Shaw photography. There are also some nice books, like this image from the book 'I wish it could be Christmas everyday.' 

Thursday 26 March 2009

Reconstruct, Revive, Recall

I'm working towards the creating three books which present the idea of layers which show presence within the house, working on the words, 'Reconstruct, Revive and Recall'. These words have developed from palimpsest research. 

The above images show ideas for presenting the Reconstruct book. Working form the quotation, 'Every home is first a geometric object of planes and right angles. Inhabited space transcends the geometrical space.' I will work on presenting the architectural drawing to present the house as a geometric object, then present the mark which makes the space an inhabited one. 

Someone was there...

Examples of experimenting with sculpture to express the idea of a trace of the presence of the absence. Taking the form of the cushion and emphasising the indents to portray someone was there. There is an eery aesthetic felt from the cushions, especially from the cushion that shows the indents of someone that was hugging the cushion. The white appearance also adds to the eery effect presenting the realm of presence from the absence.  
A brilliant and effective book by Olafur Eilasson, containing the negative space of his nineteenth-century family house. A laser cut book which presents a precise image of the house, Eilasson wanted the book to look like a book and not an object or a sculpture.  

The weight of the paper was chosen to correspond to the measurements of the 'house', i.e each sheet corresponds to the scale of the real house also represents a 2cm cross section of his house.  

The aesthetics of the book appear beautiful, it would be brilliant to actually see and touch the book. 

Honey & Bloom

Lovely graphic prints and patterns from design company Honey & Bloom. Based in California. 

Monday 23 March 2009

Nina Chakrabati

Lovely illustration work by Nina Chakrabati. The work entitled 'wallpaper' relates to my theme of traces and marks in the home which portray a presence of the absence. After moving from a flat that she had become attached to she wanted capture her favourite room, therefore she created wallpaper with drawn and photographed images of the space. It was then printed on four strips of lining paper which slot together to form one large piece. 

Around noon

Simple but beautiful work by Darren Almond that presents the effect of a sunlit atmosphere. A subtle idea that makes the viewer consider the aesthetics of a sunlit room.

The title of the work is also thought provoking, 'around noon,' is another subtle hint for the viewer, putting a time to the mark that appears from the sun light coming through the window.

Saturday 21 March 2009

The seed

A fun short film about nature's life cycle, 'The seed' commisioned by Adobe to promote their Creative Suite 4, created by Johnny Kelly. It uses a mixture of stop motion paper craft and drawn animation. 

The making of 'The seed' 

Tuesday 17 March 2009

marks made over time

Am experimentation following research from the philospher Jacques Derrida, the founder of deconstruction, meaning the being and time. Derrida explores the metaphysics of presence, the fundamental nature of reality and being. Linking his work with the idea that traces and marks are built up over time I set up a clock to write over time. As the minute hand went round the pen left a mark, bleeding into the paper. This created an abstract mark, that built up over time. The aesthetic qualities of the mark present how marks and traces become deeper and more prominent over time, as the pen bled through the paper and scraped away at the surface. 

Typesetter wanted

Interesting find of an old newspaper when searching for examples of palimpsest and the presence of the absence in my family home. Undisturbed underneath the living room carpet lay a newspaper from 1990. Loved it when I found an advert for a typesetter  job!

Love your mum

My selection of mum's day card designs for a fundraiser for our end of year show. 

Sunday 15 March 2009

Brock Davis

Nice work by graphic designer and illustrator Brock Davis, with his project 'make something cool everyday 2009.' 

Hamish Muir

This week I went to a talk at the AIB given by the designer Hamish Muir, discussing his typographic practice. It was interesting to hear about his practice in the days before the mac, witnessing about the lengthy process' involved in designing. It was brilliant that he included the first piece of work done on the mac into his presentation, it was clearly evident that it was a new tool/toy they were working with! I admired how he described type as an extension of writing and gave the advice of the best ideas are the simple ones that adhere to a set of conditions. 

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Palimpsest and social interaction

Interesting work based on the idea of palimpsest. A project which aims to superimpose layers of recorded social interaction, presenting them as a single image. If a passer-by lingers in the space they will see a delayed copy of themselves entering the space from several seconds ago, and even more layers if they remain there longer. Clever work which captures the thought of someone being there. 

New office furniture from the old

Advertising agency gummo have created their new office space working with the three well known words, 'reduce, reuse, recycle'. All the office furniture was sourced locally, from such places as the dutch ebay, marktplaats, charity shops and what ever was left around their old office. Everything was then spraypainted dark grey.

There is a reference to my emp work which is working towards the lived in effect and showing a presence of something that was there. They have taken old furniture and recreated something new by spraying the furniture, however there is evidence of something that was there through keeping the old form of the furniture.